When the raw material arrives in our company, it is entrusted to an operator in charge of custom-made cutting.
This phase, carried out with technique, precision and modern technologies, allows the metal to be ready for further processings.

The processing phase called MILLING allows the removal of material, in order to reach a big quantity of surfaces, with extreme precision and finishing.
Thanks to the numerical control working centre, which guarantees reliability, versatility and precision, Cantù Ottone‘ s team can deal with a extremely wide range of processings.
We can indeed carry out milling processings on a maximum surface of 3000x1000mm, achieving great results both on flat and moulded parts. Our 5-axles shaping also allow us to carry out special processings with high technical features, on a maximum surface of 3300x900mm.
Through WELDING, different kinds of metals can be combined together. The various machines used by our company allow indeed the welding of any kind of metal, such as brass, copper, aluminum, steel, with the same extreme precision.
In particular, the last generation welding torches used, such as the multifunctional three phases inverter – are all equipped with MMA (Manual Metal Arc) processes, TIG DC HF (Tungsten Inert Gas with direct current generator and high frequency primer) and ARC AIR (air arc chipping with carbon electrodes).

BENDING is the process though which various metals are folded and shaped.
The bender is equipped with a modern technology that can execute any tipe of bending with different dimensions of radius and angles, bearing down on metal sheets (up to 3000mm) 110 tons of pressure.
The machine is also equipped with a numerical control device of 5 axles pieces. For hot bending, Cantù Ottone uses a special machinery which distorts planks of metallic materials, with up to 3mt of development.
This procedure gives the material its classic opaque look, which makes the object refined, elegant and contemporary.
Every type of metal, whether it is steel, aluminum, brass or iron, is treated with specific wheels and belts in order to obtain the desired finishing, respecting the features and peculiarities of every single material.

Particularly appropriate to guarantee a dark and very resistant color, bronzing is a procedure which gives metals an antiqued finish.
The experience acquired by Cantù Ottone provides our customers with a wide range of bronzing colors, which can be chosen according to taste, needs and desired style.
Liquid paintings are carried out inside state-of-the-art paint booths to obtain, through different processing cycles, various shades and colours. Painting does not only have the “aesthetic” function of giving colour to the product, but also a “functional” one, in order to protect the material from corrosive agents.
Liquid electrostatic painting represents the ideal solution to guarantee an unvarying colouring. By taking advantage of the attraction and repulsion effect of electrostatic charges, indeed, a homogenous quantity of very high quality painting is laid down on the product’s surface.
Pourings and imperfections are reduced and the over spray values are definitely lower, with outstanding benefits not only for the machinery and the equipment, but also for the environment.

Always in the vanguard and up with the times, Cantù Ottone takes advantage of new technologies, useful for fast prototyping, mainly used in the design phase.
With our 3D Stratasys printer, we can realize prototypes with FDM (fused deposition modeling) technology in plastic materials such as ABS, PC-ABS, ASA and PLA, which are interchangeable, depending on the project’s structural needs. This technology, indeed, allows to build objects using materials with different physical and functional features, in order to obtain different properties in its various parts.
Cantù Ottone‘s experts give particular attention to assembly, the final processing phase, during which the product is “put together” in all its elements.
Precision and care are the features with which this department’s operators work, in order to guarantee our customer an assembled and successively packed creation which not only results complete in its every part, but also looks esthetically flawless, is perfectly functioning and totally in line with our customer’s requests.